Leadership – Pastor Kevin Drudge

It’s a privilege to serve this little congregation of open-hearted folks, beginning in January 2020. We keep things simple when we gather for worship – songs, prayers and reflection upon the call of Jesus Christ, who said “follow me”. No one is certain exactly what following Jesus entails in our modern context, but that is what we’re trying to discern and live together! It must be anchored in what Jesus said is most important: Love God with your whole being, and love your neighbor as yourself. If we can pull that off with any regularity, we’ll be on the right track!

Prior to beginning this ministry, I have served pastorally in several other churches in Southern Manitoba. I have also been employed in woodworking and cabinetry in various settings when not in a pastoral role. I’ve had the privilege to study Bible and Theology, earning degrees at Canadian Mennonite Bible College (B.Th. 1990), University of Winnipeg (B.A. 1991) and Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (M.Div.2005).

I make my home on a lovely residential street in Winkler. Summers find me gardening, walking and biking, while winter activities include pickleball, and practicing cello, piano and occasionally accordion in my home music studio.