Who We Are

“Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, O Lord.” So wrote St. Augustine in the 3rd century at the beginning of his Confessions. A few sentences later, Augustine continues, “And they shall praise the Lord that seek him, for they that seek him shall find  him, and finding him they shall praise him.” This is our prayer. Here at Covenant, you will find a community of Jesus’ disciples:

  • who seek to follow Jesus in all areas of their lives,
  • who see prayer, worship, work and service as one,
  • who seek opportunities to serve within the community and beyond as part of their calling, and
  • who encourage one another in love and support.

Covenant is a denominational community of Mennonite Church Canada. Our stance is one of generous orthodoxy – rooted in the Christian Scriptures, strongly affirming an Anabaptist/Mennonite theology and open at the margins. Our mission is to re-engage with our culture on all levels, proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life. We welcome those who wish to journey with us and encourage the creative and God-given gifts and talents of all those who make Covenant their home. Come one and all. Learn with us as we walk together!
